Imagine..naturally burning fat
with NO Lifestyle changes!

Burn fat smarter not harder for up to 9 hours with this all natural
stimulant free liquid extract!

Naturopaths and Doctors calling this natural
health breakthrough "The Holy Grail of Fat Loss"


✅ Years of clinical studies, test and trials.
✅ 100% NATURAL from only one extract
✅ Gluten Free
✅ Vegan
✅ No side effects
✅ No taste or odour
✅ Put it in any beverage, even alcohol!
✅ Burn visceral fat for up to 9 hours with NO Lifestyle changes.
✅ Patented
✅ Whilst you get healthy get wealthy sharing this with others!
✅ All in one marketing tool for you to use to share this with others.


Testimonials & Real Results

Real testimonials from everyday people taking pHix 1 to 2 times daily. Losing inches of belly fat and enjoying other health benefits.With NO Lifestyle changes!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. The testimonials you hear and/or see are for informational purposes only and are the actual experiences of the product users sharing them. Always talk with your health care provider with any questions. Individual results may vary.

The Science behind pHix

The science behind pHix, a Doctors perspective. A Professor of Emeritus at a large state funded medical school and served as a senior medical advisor on the board for this project who has personal experience with the product and why it works the way it does. Seventy years in the making with over 5 years of research and clinical trials. This patented ALL natural product from one ingredient - Hops is delivered in a mini snap pack.

Robyn who has been a Naturopath for 38 years shares her experience with this breakthrough all natural stimulant free fat burn extract.

Dr Phil Carson & Dr Ben Bowers
discuss this fat burning secret.

Dr Ben Bowers DC/Health Coach and Dr Phil Carson a Registered Pharmacist, Doctor of Pharmacy, certified Diabetes Care and Prevention Pharmacist. They have both earned numerous Certifications in Holistic and Functional Medicine Therapies. Together they have over 70 years experience in the field of health and wellness. They both share their experience with the issues around fat and how this revolutionary product turns on your fat burning machine and burns your visceral fat.

Why is Visceral Belly Fat BAD?

Visceral belly fat is the fat that wraps around internal organs in your abdominal cavity, such as the liver, pancreas, and intestines. Unlike subcutaneous fat, which is stored just under the skin, visceral fat is deeper and more closely associated with your organs. pHix helps you remove unwanted visceral belly fat!

How to Keep Healthy and Wealthy!!

Get PAID whilst losing your FAT!! Yes you can get PAID 7 WAYS when you share this miracle natural extract with others. Get HEALTHY and WEALTHY and change your life and the lives of many others.

Natural Fat Loss

Discover Phix, a unique all natural plant-based solution designed to promote thermogenesis and burn visceral belly fat.

Exclusive Hops Extract
green vegetable in clear glass bowl
green vegetable in clear glass bowl

Harness the power of hops in pHix to promote natural fat loss enhancing your wellness journey with this patented product.

a blue plate with the words burn fat spelled on it
a blue plate with the words burn fat spelled on it
Thermogenesis Booster

Stimulate your metabolism and burn belly fat effectively with our all-natural formula from Phix. Put it in ANY beverage.

Transform your body burn visceral belly fat 24/7. Works even better in Adult Beverages....Cheers!!

All Natural Solution